Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

How do we use cookies?

There are two types of cookies:


Session cookies are temporary cookies that only exist until you close the browser.


Persistent cookies are saved on your device (computer, laptop, tablet, mobile device, etc.) until you delete them or until their life expectancy expires.

These cookies are used to ensure security, to facilitate navigation, to present information more efficiently on the screen, and to be able to provide you with a better service through more personalized information. We may also use cookies to collect statistics about the use of the Website in order to continually improve the design and functionality, to understand how visitors use the Website and as an auxiliary tool in resolving questions in relation to the Website.

Types of cookies we use:

1. Essential cookies

These cookies are necessary for the proper operation of the website. For example, with these cookies we show you the information on our site in the correct language, and prices – in terms of currency and VAT for that country. Without these cookies, we cannot provide you with the services that allow this Website to function.

2. Performance cookies

They collect anonymous information about how visitors use the Website. These cookies help us understand how visitors use the Website by providing information about the pages visited, the time spent on the Website and problems that may have occurred, such as error messages (Google Analytics cookies). These cookies do not give us any information about your personal data. The maximum period for which we keep analytical data in Google Analytics is 50 months. This information helps us to improve the performance of the Website.

3. Functionality cookies

They serve to improve your visits to the Website. These cookies can, for example, store information such as your username, language or preferred location. These cookies may be used to provide you with services you have requested, such as watching a video, commenting on a blog, or receiving third-party services such as the use of certain social media elements. Remembering your choices allows the Website to provide you with services with richer and more personalized features.

 4. Cookies for precise targeting

These cookies contain information about how you used our site and can be triggered by our advertising partners. They do not store personal information. Thanks to them, you will not be shown information that is irrelevant to you. These are dynamic cookies of Facebook, Google AdWords, Adwise, etc.

Cookies used on the site

Cookie name: PHPSESSID, default, language, currency

Description: Essential cookies. These cookies are necessary for the proper operation of the website.

Cookie name: cc_cookie_accept

Description: Essential cookie. This cookie lies about the display of the information bar for the fact that the site uses cookies.

Cookie name: _ga, _gid, _gat

Description: Performance cookies This cookie refers to Google Universal Analytics. It is used for analytical purposes. Reporting visits, time spent on a site, etc.

How to control cookies?

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – see for details. You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.

If you use a Chrome browser, you can add the following extension to control and delete cookies on a site: Check my cookies