Beam Detector DOP6001R

Beam Detector DOP6001R



Certificates and DoP




The DOP-6001R Beam Smoke Detector is designed for smoke detection at the start of a fire. It is especially
suitable for protection of premises where, in the first phase of the fire, smoke appearance is expected and
in which, due to a large space area, installation of a greater number of spot smoke detectors would be
necessary. Beam smoke detectors (in comparison with spot smoke detectors) are sensitive to a medium
smoke density value on a long path of the infrared radiation beam and therefore they are especially
suitable for application under high ceilings/roofs or in those places where smoke can be diffused over a
large area before detection.

The DOP-6001R beam smoke detector is intended to interoperate with any fire detection and alarm control
panel that ensures power supply in the range between 9.5 V and 28 V and current > 100 mA. Its alarm
signal is the relay non-potential contact switch over. The detector operates in closed premises at ambient
temperatures ranging from –25 oC to +55 oC and relative humidity up to 95 % at 40 oC.


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Produt Group



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